Wednesday, 7 March 2012


Unbelievable! I hear so much negative stuff about the coach, GM and Kevin Lowe. I can only conclude that these supposed fans don't remember how we did it the first time with rebuilding. Coach Renney and Tambilini, and above all, Kevin Lowe have all done a MASTERFULL job with the rebuild so far! Maybe these nay sayers that want to fire everyone are from Toronto, but we do things a lot different here. We KNOW how to build a winner. All we lacked over the last 20 years was an owner. Now we have one!
   This is year 3 in the rebuild. Progress will be seen on the ice next year guaranteed!
Paarvi, Eberle was year one, Hall, last year, THE NUGE this year! Already we have the leagues best power year hopefully we have a second scoring line. I'd like to see a bigger more talented centre  on the second line with Magnus and whom ever we get in trades this summer. If we get that second big centre, giving us 2 scoring lines, and  a third and forth lines with size, we'll surprise a lot of people in the NHL. The training wheels will be off next fall, and I expect to see another great start.
    In the 80's we had a five year plan and started with Gretzky Messier and Lowe that first year. This time around is a bit slower but not much. We have a super team in the making, not just a cup winner for a year, but a real possibility of a dynasty! Only time will tell if I'm right but everything I see so far reminds of that 80's team.
    I bumped into Ryan Jones and Jeff Petry in a Starbucks a few weeks ago. I never talked to them, wanting to give them space, but I could feel the positive vibe they had just being in the same room with them. It really made my day.. Its no wonder they skate so fast, all the caffeine lol. Be patient Oiler fans. SUCCESS IS COMING!

What Grinds My Gears?

Hi, I needed someplace to vent my frustrations, so please skip this if you had enough stress for the day lol.

Things I need to let others know about so I feel like I've made a difference for the better.
    First, I moved into what I thought was a great new apartment a year ago. It's been a small nightmare as I've had constant ongoing invasions of my privacy, with the landlord bringing in people to fix and or renovate the whole building. Had I known this, I would not not have moved in. First they spray my place for bedbugs I don't and never had. They cut up and ruined my new furniture I bought for the place so I'm out $5000.00. Great start eh? Second, they have to replace my windows so they need access while at I'm at work. Never happens when I'm home.  Then they need to come in again to fix the damage they caused while replacing my Theres still damage I'm waiting to have fixed. They want to replace my peep hole, needing access to my place again..This goes on and on every month for the past year. Anyone else have to go thru this? I advise people not to move into my building as I've heard much worse stories from my neighbours. If your thinking of moving into The Colonade in Edmonton west, stay clear unless you like all the attention and lack of privacy you'll get.
    Secondly...! I work in this meat packing plant in northeast Edmonton... I obviously can't say exactly, I don't want to lose my job.. The place has a few mentally unwell people working there that refuse to flush toilets. How nice, knowing that a place that is federally inspected doesn't do much to fix the problem.          After many years of working restaraunts and other places in the food industry, I'm very tempted to become a vegetarian and never eat anything I don't grow myself. Hopefully these troubles will be solved in the near future. Things are bad everywhere I guess with the world going bad with such speed.
    THIRDLY, I'd feel irresponsible if I didn't do my part to warn the world of the troubles ahead. WW3 is coming quickly wether the public knows it or not. The world leaders know and some churches of course. The most important thing you can do is keep the commandments, be baptized and follow Christ. Read your bible. In the days ahead, it will be the most important thing you ever do...Good luck.