Thursday, 7 June 2012

PARTY ON! CLUB Ettiquette

Most popular of the activities in Second Life are the dance clubs by far!
Second Life's newest is Wet Willies. The Aussies ALWAYS have the most fun
 The one thing that turns me off about most clubs in SL is being harassed at the door. I'm proud to say I have not had this trouble at Wet Willies or any other Aussie club.
   I prefer the smaller clubs, more intimate and friendly than those super big monster clubs with 50 to a hundred people or more with all the lag and the super huge mall where it takes me all day to find what I want.
  I go to clubs to dance, listen to tunes and relax, have some fun within reason. Some clubs I walk into, I'm harassed at the door if I'm wearing a different club tag. Totally unintentional most times. I hate wearing the things lol. I never rush out and join a group because of the cool tag..Gimme a break!
   Then I'm harassed over the clothes I wear. I get harassed if my pants are a little low. I didn't come to the club expecting a church service! I try to dress properly for the event. I'd understand if I was truly going too far. I can't go to many clubs dressed as GAGA. They're loss lol. Relax Club owners! We're here for fun!
   People want to be real in second life which I think is funny because everyone does not look like a super model in real Life..and in real life you never wear a tag over your head. I prefer getting attention in other ways....LOL.
  I'm a little shy, not great at small talk so I use gestures. Sometimes I hit the wrong one, might have a bad word in it. Most gestures I find have profanity, sad but true. I get harassed for that like I'm some noob or something. Its better to ignore the mistakes and have fun than put people down. unless the person is doing deliberately to be a jerk. Thats when you boot em!
   I've left a club and still had hosts or managers digging at me. I'm outta your hair, don't continue to beat me over the head for small indiscretions!
   I try to make jokes or start a conversation... I mention a project I'm working on or maybe I talk about my Facebook games and I get harassed over that! If I was deliberately spamming the crowd I'd use a mailer..and an alt avie lol. I never try to recruit group members. You either like what I do or not, your choice!
  One  burlesque club I attend-another aussie club...they encourage you to talk about your business! They're not afraid of losing the audience at all. In fact I think it brings more people to the club! They are always jammed packed on a friday midnite. You want to know the club? ASK ME! LOL. Most every business person loves to talk about their projects. Best way to find skilled help. And yes, everyone does it despite the rules! If your club is fun, people will come. Have fun, be free and don't sweat the small stuff!

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